Sunday, November 21, 2010

Life Together ...

After Peter's sermon at Penecost when 3,000 people were added to the church the writer of Acts gives us the example of how a church is to operate. They spent their time in teaching the word, fellowship, the breaking of bread and prayer. These four things are the basis of our argument for why we should be involved in a Christian fellowship. We can only experience these things in the fellowship of other Christians and by doing them we learn to love God and love our fellow man and thus fulfil the two great commandments in Jesus' teaching. The first step in this process is regular attendance and involvement.

Scriptures from Acts 2:41-47 and Hebrews 10:23-25.

Churches change lives. You can be a part of this amazing process!

Roger and Cathey Hall are expecting their 9th grandbaby!! Tiffany and Bo Morrison's baby is due in June. It will be welcomed by big sister, Taylen.
Jim Layton - Dan Z's friend is doing well!

Prayer Requests:
Van recovering from his surgery and facing Cyber Knife treatment. Carolyn is sick with a cold she got while at the hospital this week. Pray also for their brothers and sisters and their spouses. Charles, Carolyn's brother, is having heart cath tomorrow. Another had surgery this week and others are on the mend from recent illnesses, etc.
Lee Dreher - recovering from knee replacement surgery. Dad of Stephen, Diane S and Daphne McC.
Jamie D - Jane M's dau.
Niki - Bill T's girlfriend
Ann H's uncle
Coers and Giardina familes in deaths last weekend - Tharp and Beasley friends
Christy H. - to begin treatment soon. Ralph and Faye's DIL
Mr. Winslett
Mr. May and Lindell B. - surgeries - Lynda McA's dad and aunt
Cathey H - shoulder surgery in Dec.
Mack H - dad of Christy Hall
Leon and June B - Roberson's friends befriended also by Selfs re: MDA
Gerald - cellulitis
Jill Cook Rutledge - situations
Kay W - Becky C's sis coming to Dr. at UAB soon.
Jessica Crowder - friend of Tharps
N Dorr's been sick all week.
Many unspoken requests
Many connected to our class family needing jobs.
Soldiers, Country, Leaders, citizens

December 5th is the last Sunday we will be taking up clothes and gift cards for the Morgan family. Thank you for your response so far. Lynn B is appreciative of our help for his co-worker and her family.

Ladies Luncheon will be on Friday, Dec. 17th. Mark you calendar now. More info to follow. Four of us enjoyed lunch at Oscar's at The Birmingham Museum of Art this week.

Monday, December 13th will be Birthday Night at Munoz at 6:30. Wanda will bring dessert.

If you don't have one already, ask me for a sheet of info for our Gatlinburg trip on the weekend of Feb. 3rd. We'll stay at the beautiful Inn at Christmas Place!

Pray about our Christmas Project this week and ask God if you are the one He's calling to be in charge.

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