Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Lifestyle of Service ...

Contrary to contemporary thinking the life that Jesus calls for is one based in service to others not achievement for ones self. In today's lesson we talked about that section of the road less traveled that leads us to a life of service.

Scriptures from Matthew 25:14-26 and Mark 10:35-45

Prayer Requests:
Eli H is gaining weight on the formula and medicines he's being given. Turns 5 weeks old tomorrow. Grandson of Roger and Cathey. (Cathey insists she's doing fine but is still in a sling after shoulder surgery on Dec. 15th.)
Gerald doing well after medicines adjusted during overnight hospital stay from a seizure he had Friday afternoon/evening.
Cook family in the death of Becky's aunt.
A Miller family in his death - Hicks' friend
Cliff O - Bro-in-law of Randy H - mild stroke
5 yr. old Kiersten - out of ICU
11 yr old Clay - still problems with platelets and being watched closely. His grandmother expressed thanks to Brenda B for our prayers.
R Kilburn - Bailey's friend.
Jobs - many seeking and other contemplating changes. (Heads, Chad H, Bryant son, R. Estes, Chris Z among them.)
Kell - Z's almost 4 r old grandson - cellulites in leg
English family - Gleeda's uncle died this week.
Van has 1 CyberKnife procedure - pray this Thursday at 2PM.
Kylie ? - cancer
Cherie and Tracy B and their treatments.
Danny and Christy H and family
C Skiles - Jim's wife
Denise H - Beasley's friend
Debbie Valady - Alvis' friend

Praises -
Sandlyn is 13 and twice beat cancer. Entering Trussville Relay for Life. Collecting old cell phones, laptops, digital cameras and other small electrical devices to raise money. If you have any let Jane or L Edwards know and he'll see who we need to get them to.
Gerald says he's feeling and doing well.
Chris Z got the job he wanted.

Birthday Night is tomorrow at Munoz 6:30. Brenda S bringing cake.

Ladies lunch is Tuesday at 11:30 at Olexa's in Mtn. Brook. Let Jane know if you are coming. Meet us there or behind Lifeway at 10:45.

Gatlinburg is fast approaching - Feb. 3 - 6. Staying at The Inn at Christmas Place.

Only in Eternity will it be revealed if we have made the right use of our time.

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