Monday, February 14, 2011

Sunday, February 13th

Prayer and Praise lists:

We are thankful Roger H's serious blockage was found and a stent inserted before he had any other problems! Continue to pray for Roger as he has a few other things going on.

Sadie H is doing well. Request of Gleeda and daughter of a minister at North Park.

Mike C's dad is doing well at St. Martin's.

I hope those of you in the sanctuary service yesterday recognized the young man on the video as the Nick that we helped through Blake before Christmas. He will be going in the Army in June to Boot Camp. He needs our prayers as he lives the life God wants him to and stays away from the problems of his past.

Randy H's BIL, Cliff O, has been moved to Mount Royal Towers after stroke.

Little Clay's sister turned out not to be a match for bone marrow transplant he needs desperately. Pray a match is found, his treatments help and for the family who is still hurting over the loss of his uncle a few years ago to an illness. His grandmother, Teresa G, home schools him and it's hard on her watching him and praying for him to be well. It was only a few short years ago her own ill son passed away.

Our class (without using any of our funds) met the immediate needs of young Leland who was dropped off by his parents at Hillcrest Hospital. Through her future son-in-law, Sheila L will let us know of any other needs for him. Thanks to all who helped!

Gerald and Brenda go to MDA on Wednesday for tests. Brenda has a cold. Pray she gets over that for the trip.

Jordyn T, the Bailey's little granddaughter who is nearly 3 is in Children's Hospital with breathing problems.

Molli McC is having knee surgery this week. The Summer's neice.

Pat McC - Molli's dad and Summer's BIL facing neck surgery for second time after (recent) second auto accident in several years.

Jordan an Upward basketball player's mom with cancer. Jimmy S coaches him.

Grace and her family through her problems and testing and treatments.

Kay N - friend of Havicus family with serious health issues.

Laura - Dianne B's aunt having surgery and Dianne going to Pensacola to help her.

Debra P - Horne's friend having surgery this week

Many upspoken requests

Turmoil in Egypt

Check the "Continue to Remember" area to the right for many more needs we want to pray about and ask God to do His will in their lives.


Gatlinburg was fun and we thank Bill L for teaching those who we in class last week! Thanks, Bill! Entertaining the idea of going somewhere else next February.

Birthday Night at Munoz tonight, 14th, 6:30.

Ladies meet at 10:45 behind Lifeway on Friday for lunch at La Dolce Vita. Let Jane know so she'll have a number to give them, if you can.

We'll be at Ellie's next Sunday and Jimmy S will teach. Thanks, Jimmy!! An exciting day and one we hate to miss - Family Dedication, Deacon Ordination and Business Meeting. Y'all make plans to be there for everything!!

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