Monday, April 4, 2011

Balance Grief with Hope ...

Yesterday we began a series on Navigating the Maze of Grief. Don had told us last week that he would like participation as we go through these lessons. Grief is handled very differently by people. It is a very personal thing to each one of us as we deal with the loss of someone or something special to us.

This week's lesson was Balance Grief with Hope and the scriptures were from John 11. Verses 20-27, 32-36 and 43-44.

Prayer requests:
Gerald and Brenda - Gerald is facing 10-12 days of radiation at MDA in Houston the end of April. Medications adjusted last week and testing and consultations done.
Mrs. Sloan - Becki A's mother fell. May be sore but no visible signs of injury.
Donny and Bonnie will become grandparents to Charlie on Tuesday when Mandy gives birth. Pray for all to go well in delivery.
Mrs. Zbinden is having knee replacement today. Zolinda's mother.
Mr. Winslett came through surgery well to remove pressure on his eye. Drs are working to delay effects of Glaucoma on his vision.
Wayne Williams - lifelong friend of Don's in hospital for removal of brain tumor. Will be receiving radiation and chemo.
Nix/Cottingham family. Jim's mother passed away. Friend of Don.
Derieux family in death of husband/father. Friend of Carolyn.
Wideman family. Husband/father passed away unexpectedly. Friend of several in class. Brother of S Philpot who also lost an uncle this week.
Hardin family - Husband/father and friend of several and church member. Passed away.
Ashton - preemie in hospital with problems needs our prayers.
Kay Nichols still in hospital - Havicus friend and neighbor.
Russ S - friend of Halls.
Pucketts - Alvis' SIL traveling out of country.
M Dudley - friend of L Bonner - cancer curgery
Wanda having tests this week.
D Kirkland - Earl's friend ill and lost job.
Darren R - teenages injured in auto accident. Improving.
F Head was in hospital this week after medicine reaction.
J Fowler - Dan Z friend.
Hunter P - preemie about 6 weeks old. Needs our prayers.
Many unspoken requests.

BLOOD DRIVE and opportunity to be tested for match as a BONE MARROW Donor at Moody City Hall, April 30th, 10am-4pm. To benefit Clay Gilley and a young girl. Clay is friend of B Bryant's we've been praying for.

Joshua P is engaged. Son of Ben and Sallye.
Selfs thankful for treatment plan being arranged at MDA for end of April.
Shelia R's uncle Don R came home from hospital for first time since Oct.
Aubrey Steen, child in Wee Center here, doing better.
Wanda received good report from tests last week.

Joy is the by product of obedience.

Sin never comes wrapped as sin. We have to stay on our toes!

Birthday Night will be at Munoz 6:30PM on Monday, April 11. D Bonner brings cake.

Ladies will have lunch at Chuy's at The Summit on April 18th at 11:30. Shelia L making reservations for us.

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