Sunday, December 19, 2010

Glory to God in the Highest, Peace on Earth, Good Will to Man...

Our class time was special this morning even though the actual lesson time was cut short because of the other delightful things that went on!

We thank all of you who brought the delicious goodies this morning. What a wonderful surprise and our time of fellowship meant a lot to us. How very thoughtful of you to give us our nights in Gatlinburg at The Inn at Christmas Place. Thank you so much for being so kind to us! We love every one of you and thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

For his time this morning Don read the Christmas story to us from Luke 2 in the King James version of the Bible. He pointed out to us that taking the shepherds as examples it is our privilege to go and tell the wonderful message of Jesus' birth.

It always comes to my mind the short phrase I've heard to sum up the story: Come and see, Go and tell! This should be our motto for every day of our life!

I only have a few of the prayer requests in my notebook from my notes to begin the list on the board for this morning. I won't list those because I wouldn't be able to list all we had on the board and it wouldn't be fair to list some and not others. Please remember your classmates and their friends and families in your prayers. There were all kinds of needs as well as praises. None more important than the others.

Your generosity to help families in need with Christmas for their children and other necessities was overwhelming. As far as we know, any children or grandchildren within our class who needed help were helped. As well, we donated money to a young man in our church to be administered by Blake Kersey. He is recently off drugs and a new Christian preparing to enter the service. Today we also agreed to help a young mother of 4 who is struggling with many other situations including lack of heat in her home. In your prayers, please also include those people.

Due to the big Auburn - Oregon game on January 10th, it was decided to move our Birthday Night to January 17th, the following Monday.

Merry Christmas to each of you and remember there is no Sunday School on December 26th, but one Worship Service in the sanctuary at 10am. I understand that all ages Kindergarten and above will be in the sanctuary.

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