Monday, December 13, 2010

GO and DO - Show Care for People ...

Scripture is from Luke 10:29-32

Doing for others should be a top priority in the lives of each and everyone of us. Our class demonstrates a willingness to help any time we hear of a need. We are thankful for friends who are willing to share from that which they have been blessed with by God.

Hicks' to have grandson. Mandy and Gabe expecting Charlie!
Emma H - newborn - is at home! Dennis and Ann's granddaughter
T Cluck - good report
Roger and Cathey H welcomed new grandson, Elijah, this afternoon!

Prayer Requests:
Cathey H - shoulder surgery Wed.
Van H - scans soon to prepare for CyberKnife procedure
Ron K - friend of Bailey's
Mrs. Dorr in PT at East Glen
Mr. Dreher - doing well at home
Shane R - Addison's disease - son of Eddie and Sheilah
Carrie A - Nancy D's cousin 4th cancer battle
Gerald S - pray for swelling to reduce
Nick - Blake told us about and we are helping - new Christian
Joann D - blood disease - Mother of Dennis H
Joel R - TIAs
Reed E and Chris Z - job wisdom - Son and SIL of Dan and Jane Z
Kate H - young with AVM/GammaKnife
Dawn P and Debbie B - friends of Gleeda and Tim
Mrs. Wyatt - Donna O's mother
Donna - asthma
Dusty H - Donny's nephew
Shannon, Brad, Isaiah and Elijah Hall


Remember Birthday Night - tonight - December 13th at 6:30 at Munoz. Becky Cook is bringing the cake.

Friday, December 17th, is the luncheon for the ladies at The Chocolate Biscuit. Let me know if you can come, if possible by Wednesday, but if that isn't possible come on and meet us there at 11:30am and join in the fun!

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