Sunday, May 29, 2011

Invest in Others...

Our lesson today was entitled "Invest in Others". Because of the time spent on discussion of plans for June 11th when we will be feeding a hot meal to approximately 250 people in the tornado devastated area of Shoal Creek Valley, we did not have time for the lesson. Don did mention that our undertaking of this project is this lesson put into action!

Scriptures for the lesson are found in:
Acts 9:26-27; 11:19-26 and 15:36-41

Prayer list for today:
Gerald and Brenda together with family this weekend. Allen in town.
Tiffany, Bo and baby Luke - new grandson of Cathey and Roger.
Zo's mission trip to Nicaragua June 12-17 (Bring school supplies next Sunday.)
Christy - request from Don and Jane. She has 2nd type of cancer. Mother died of cancers a few months ago.
VBS children and workers
Amber and Joshua - Ben and Sallye's kids planning wedding.
Lee Green - Sheilah R's dad
Tina Jones - friend of Sheilah's
Owen Drake - friend of Rocky and Eddie R
Mr. and Mrs. Waldrip and Mr. Campbell - Mike and Wanda's parents
Mrs. McNeal - mother of Wanda's friend Sue
J Farris - friend of Campbell's - rare cancer on leg
L Blakeney - former coworker of B Bryant - cancer
Doug McKay - friend of Ben's
Soldiers past and present and all they've done for us.

Halls have 9th grandchild - Steven Luke Morrison was born to Tiffany and Bo on the 24th.
Shelia L received a good pathology report.
N Dreher's family in Oklahoma safe after storms.
Jan - friend of Havicus family received double transplants and doing well.

Bonnie offered to handle lunch during VBS week for 50 children from the Restoration Academy who are being brought by bus to our VBS. We'd been asked this week if our class would be interested in doing this. We "passed the basket" and received more than enough to cover this. Let Bonnie know if you would be able to help her with this. She didn't ask for help but I'm sure it would be appreciated. We don't know specifics yet on date, time, location etc. THANK YOU BONNIE!!

Ann Havicus is working hard on all the preparation for June 11th when we feed the approximately 250 people in the Shoal Creek Valley area. THANK YOU ANN and committee!!!! We've made donations to several people of money and also donated much in the way of supplies, clothes, tornado victims. THANKS TO THE BAILEYS who headed up the donation effort. THANKS to all those who helped and are still helping. Many are needed on June 11th at the Community Center in the Shoal Creek Valley. Let Ann know if you can help if you haven't already talked with her.

If you were not in the worship service this morning, you missed a wonderful blessing with the singing of 3 young ladies who were formerly with the singers we've heard from the University of Mobile. They go by the name STORY and truly blessed our hearts!

If you trust God in the dark, he'll change your midnight into music.


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