Sunday, June 19, 2011

Cultivate Contentment ...

Scripture: Philippians 4:10-20 and 1 Timothy 6:6-12

In Paul's first letter to Timothy he discussed Godliness and Contentment as great gain. By Godliness he meant leading a life that honored God and keeping His commandments. By Contentment he meant being satisfied with what God provides for us and not giving in to the temptation of greed. Contentment is an affirmation of our faith in God's ability and desire to provide for us.

Prayer Requests:
Gerald and Brenda - Love short visits.
S Green - Sheilah R's step mom - Bone Marrow Biopsy this week.
L Green - her dad - during these times and he's been ill recently.
Unspoken - many
Fred K - friend of Don's with cancer.
C Odom - Randy H's BIL - health problems
N Sanchez - MDA friend of Self's there with Hospice - not strong enough to go home.
Mike and Wanda's parents.
Jay and Rebecca Y - Gleeda's family
S Horne - Van's SIL - Cancer. Went on their own to MDA. In trial study.
Alice L - S Lowery's sis.

Zo's mission trip was wonderful. She'll share soon.
Jane D - Ann H's sister doing well.
Dads and their influence on us.

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