Sunday, July 10, 2011

Our Purpose

Jimmy Summers taught SS today while Don and Jane visited with their son and family this weekend. Jimmy led our discussion from Ephesians 2:10 and Matthew 25:35-40. Summary: continue to be faithful; keep your work shoes on and be ready in a moment to answer God's call. Quote on prayerssheet written by Diane: "Life benefits from serving others, for as it reaches out to help, it gathers something for itself - friendship."

Prayer Requests:
Brenda S and family
Wanda C mom and dad - dad is out of hospital
Mike C father
Glynda B mom and dad - test results back on Wed for mom
Nancy D mom
Brooke, surgery to remove large tumor is Tuesday
Van H sister-in-law Sandra battling cancer, waiting to hear from MDA
Gary G, daughter-in-law of Zobrosky’s father has heart problems
Sandra F, son-in-law of Zobrosky’s aunt can’t tolerate chemo or radiation
Craig B, friend of Zobrosky’s, in custody battle involving grandchildren
Emma- friend of Diane S, needs salvation
Sharon G, request of Rocky W
Lesley C, daughter of Steve and Carol
Don and Jane, traveling today from visiting son and family in Florida

Eddie R’s 96 year old uncle Clarence accepted Christ
Gerald Self’s funeral was uplifting

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