Sunday, November 6, 2011

Can You Be Counted On?

Jerry Bailey led our study in Romans 13:1-14 today while Don and Jane are traveling to attend a wedding next weekend. Even though we may not agree with everything our government does, we are to submit to its authority, which includes paying taxes and respecting government leaders, because God established it. We are also commanded to love your neighbor as yourself.

We are happy to welcome new SS members Jim and Janet Thompson!!

Prayer Requests:
Helen P, friend of Summers with broken hip
Eiland family – jobs
Steve A, recheck on eye
Grace C, daughter of Pastor Buddy, and family – pray new treatment in coming weeks will work! See Buddy's blog in right column for updates and info.
Greta- friend of Earl T- facing breast cancer surgery Tuesday week and remarrying ex today!
Frank W, dad of Glynda B
Lauren R, niece of Ann H – has new splint in mouth, but no better, maybe worse
Members who need to be in SS

New members of church and our SS class, Jim and Janet Thompson
Brenda B doing better and Doug is in Arkansas
Steve W, neighbor of Bill L – told he had cancer, but no sign of it when he went for treatments

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