Monday, November 21, 2011

Do You Strive For Peace With Others?

Scripture from Romans 14:13-23.

Prayer Requests:
Greta G - Earl's coworker - cancer
Bill W - Earl's friend and Wanda's cousin - hip repl.
Butch F - knee surgery
Castleberry fam - former RBC pastor died
Jessica, Sage and baby C - potential problems
Unspoken - many
Grace and her family
M Lee and family - many issues
Robert L - Brenda B's dad - back problem - fell
Baby Hank C - jaundice on light at home
Stacy J and Wes - families with needs
Paula K - Donny's cousin
Donny - sick
Brad and Shannon H and baby girl to come any day - Roger and Cathey - G-parents
Our Leaders, Country and Military

Henry Louis "Hank" Cochran - was born 16th to Mike and Zo's son and DIL Drew and Katie
Pucketts safety from fire threatening their home - Alvis dau and her fam
Greta remarried former husb same week as cancer surgery
Thanksgiving - our Country, God and Savior, Freedom

We are to strive to live in peace with others.

Ladies - next luncheon is Dec. 8th at The Club - info coming soon for reservations.
Next Birthday Night is Dec. 12th - Becky C brings cake. 6:30pm at Munoz
TENTATIVE date for Gatlinburg - Feb. 2nd

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